Introducing the Unreserved Wine Talk Podcast: Unfiltered Wine Conversations and Confessions


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The Unreserved Wine Talk podcast features candid conversations with the most fascinating people in the wine world. Your host, award-winning journalist Natalie MacLean, dives into how it feels to compete in the nerve-wracking World’s Best Sommelier Competition, the shadowy underground of wine forgery, the zany tactics of a winemaker who hosted a funeral for cork, and more. Nestled in these colourful stories are practical tips on how to choose wine from a restaurant list, pair it with food and spot great values in the liquor store.

Every second episode, Natalie goes solo with an unfiltered, personal reflection on wine. She’ll share with you how it feels to be a woman in what is still a largely male-dominated field, her gut reaction to the latest health study that says no amount of alcohol consumption is safe and her journey in writing her next book. She’ll reveal these vulnerable, sometimes embarrassing, stories with tipsy wit and wisdom that she’s soaked up from 20 years of writing about wine.


Welcome to this special introduction to the Unreserved Wine Talk Podcast!

I’ve been writing about wine for twenty years. Growing up in a small Nova Scotia town, I used to think that wine was just for fancy people. However, I now know that the pure pleasure and passion of wine is for everyone.

This podcast serves to help you take the journey I’ve taken with wine. One that will move you away from confusion, embarrassment, and disappointment to a place confidence, ease, joy, and pure pleasure.

In this special episode, you’ll discover exactly how this podcast is going to guide you on that journey and you’ll also learn a little more about me and why I feel this is exactly what I was put on this planet to do.

So, pour yourself a glass of your favorite wine and take a listen to this episode.



  • How have my feelings about wine evolved over the years?
  • How does wine, and this podcast, factor into my mission in life?
  • What was the inspiration for starting the Unreserved Wine Talk podcast?
  • Why am I qualified to guide on you one your journey with wine?
  • What is this podcast not going to be?
  • Who are the types of guests you’ll meet?
  • Where else can you connect with me?




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