
Dear Bacchus, |
January 17, 2014 | Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human heart, but wine also works.
Warm up your evenings with BC wines that take the spotlight in tomorrow's wine picks. Now's the time to pick up some terrific bottles that we don't usually see in the liquor store.
Also featured are robust, dry red wines from Rioja, Spain: complex, well-priced and food-friendly.
This shopping list shows the stock for each wine at your closest stores.
There is an upside to our cold winters > icewine.
Think again, it's not just for dessert.
This Canadian Press story ran in the daily newspapers across the country this week. Your mission, should you choose to accept it: try an icewine at the beginning of your meal, with nuts and cheese.
Next up on CTV's The Social, we'll be doing a pre-Oscar special on wines made (or endorsed) by celebrities.
Think Brad and Angelina's rosé or Francis Ford Coppola wines.
We'll focus on movie actors, producers and directors rather than on athletes and singers. Got some suggestions?
Here's to watching the Oscars while we drink from celebrity cellars ... Hollywood & Vine ;)

Here are all my Best Value and Top Rated red, white, sparkling, rosé and dessert wines. This text wine shopping list that shows the number of bottles for each wine in your closest liquor stores. More »

This recipe for Roasted Vegetable Salad is a great way to eat healthfully, yet deliciously. It pairs well with Chardonnay or Sauvignon Blanc. Here's the recipe ... More »


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